Children express grief differently than adults. There are several factors that may have an effect on how they grieve, including age, emotional maturity, circumstances of the loss and relationship to the deceased.
Because children are still developing, they may revisit their grief at various stages throughout their lives. As they develop, their understanding will grow, they will comprehend the loss in new and more complete ways.
These are a few guidelines to follow in helping your child cope with their grief. Remember that the experience of loss is unique for each child. With the support and guidance of caring adults, they will develop life coping skills and become stronger as they work their grief in healthy ways. If you have specific concerns about your child consult with your pediatrician or school counselor.
0-2 years
No understanding
May miss or ache for the sound, smell, sight or feel of someone
Baby may express grief by rocking, crying, sucking, biting, throwing, indigestion
Physical contact, reassurance
Lots of holding
Meet immediate physical needs
Baby may respond to adult grief, will revisit grief
2-5 years
Concrete and literal
Death reversible- person is coming back
Magical thinking
Expresses feelings through play
Asks questions over and over
May regress
Death affects sense of security – “who will take care of me?”
Simple and truthful answers, using correct words such as died and dead
Looks to primary caregiver for reassurance
Maintain structure and routine
Allow to cry during nightmares
6-10 years
Death final, irreversible but not universal
Play still primary for expression of grief
Grief may affect school responsibilities
Family is main security
Safety critical
May ask for detailed, sometimes explicit answers concerning death
May feel death is a punishment, they caused it
Communication between home and school
Egocentric-how will their life change – needs reassurance
Needs to choose how to be involved with process and services
10-13 years
Adult understanding
Guilt: I caused it
Heightened emotional turmoil
May swing back and forth in dependency
May appear unaffected, cold or crass
Begins to integrate events
Be authentic and reassuring
Remind child of parent’s ability to continue to care for him
Expect internal body problems—headaches,stomachaches, colds, etc.
Expect and accept emotional swing
Reminder that it will not always be so raw
Find peer support
13-19 years old
Discussion of events is means of processing grief
Self conscious about being different due to loss
Affected physically, sleep and eating patterns
Unrealistically responsible
Peer group of utmost importance – may reject parents and be non-communicative
Reckless with their own life to prove they are not vulnerable
Expect thoughts and feelings to be contradictory and inconsistent
Critical events in their life will stimulate thoughts and grief
Expect increased energy activity or prolonged sleep
May reject parents
They appear childlike and in need
Adult support and validation